no matter were you go someone is there to immortalize it for you.
whats bad for britney is alright for me.
my amazing pops brought me my surfboard from hawaii so we had to go put it in the ocean and see if it would float.
thanks to that cat on the beach with camera.

Surfing with a your peeps is the best. there's my friend raphael on the shoulder.
he's witnessing so if i say 'man i killed that one' he can tell me i'm full of shit...

same wave, last turn. sandon point is the bee's knees.

see the single fin trailing in the water? thats right kids throw away that thruster and get some of the real feeling.

aaand. just a few days before we had a lovely little sojourn to the beautiful green island. scott waxa providing transport, big up. jungle joel providing accomodation and camera. sully slc with the french toothbrush (don't ask.) mad max ze german, soul man raph. a rag tag bunch but a damn good time. perfection for the logs and the fishboards. LOS LOG GOES represent.

check out if you want to see how good south coast nsw is.
sorry about all the people cluttering the waves in the pics.