Kauai gets alot of rain - I recall, almost a bazillion years ago, meeting a local haole guy somewhere on Kauai and saying to him that I thought it had been raining a lot and he replied that he liked the rain. When he said that I got a distinct sensation of his pleasure with the rain. Then later I heard a Hawaiian song about a couple who used to go fishing together on the reef and being out there in certain rains that had special names, and I started to wonder about the feeling I got from the different rains that I could identify. I would often row out to my boat when I kept it in the channel at the end of Anini, the showers would come down the reef and I would see the water jump with the first drops then change texture as the shower became more intense, then change texture again as the shower passed after however long and how it would always bring another burst of water behind it like the tail of an animal coming behind. When we have been out on the reef here in New Caledonia the sensation is very different from the feel of the rain on kauai - here the light and color are more overwhelming - the changes in color of the lagoon from shades of aquamarine to grey and back to aquamarine that echo the changes in the color of the sky and the overall light, it is very different but satisfying as well. I like the rain too.